My name is Marcus John Henry Brown, and we will soon be working together on your presentation and pitching skills. I'm very excited to meet you. Here are a few things that you might want to know about our time 

  • What will we cover in our training together?

    1. We'll kick off with a presentation called "The Speaker's Mindset," in which I will explain the Speakery Method and what I think makes a great presentation and a fantastic public speaker.
    2. We will then dive into your presentations!
      • What are you expecting us to do?

        1. You will each be asked to present for about five minutes without interruption. Once your five minutes are up, I will give you notes on what I've seen, and then I'll ask the next person to present.
        2. Once the entire group has presented, I will ask you all to present again, but this time, I will interrupt you, give you notes, and adjust your presentation skills.
        3. We will finish the training with an extensive Q&A where you get to ask as many questions as possible.
      • What should I prepare for my sessions?

        1. Please bring a presentation that you have previously given and feel comfortable presenting. Please do not prepare a new presentation for this training. 
        2. I’ll be asking these questions during the introduction round. It would be great if you had answers.
          1. What would you like to get out of the session?
          2. What do you want to improve?
          3. What are your main concerns about presenting?
          4. I’d like you to think about your biggest strength, too.
        3. Please bring questions. Lots of questions! Prepare as many questions as you like. You’ve booked me, so ask away! 

      I’m very much looking forward to meeting and working with you. 

      See you soon.
