speakery summit 2025
Exceptional communications experts share their levelling-up experiences and give Summit delegates practical tools to dramatically improve their presentation skills.
The Speakery Presentation Mind Map
The Speakery Presentation Canvas is a powerful tool. It's robust and helpful, but it also demands discipline and a little bit of work. I've noticed that some struggle with getting started, and when I do, I suggest that they kickstart the process with a simple mind map.
I love mind maps. I've been doing them for decades, so ordering ideas into one comes easily to me.
I've created this easy tool for those of you who want to quickly map out ideas and kickstart the presentation process and I call it assisted mind mapping or The Speakery Presentation Mind Map.
Section 1. The Facts
This is where you scribble down all of the facts you currently know about the subject you need to talk about. Remember - this is a mind map, a work in progress and a mind dump. There will be times when this section of the mind map is full, which is great. Then, there are other times when you'll have to do a little more work to gather the juicy facts your presentation will need to impact an audience.
Section 2. Experience.
Facts are great, but your experience with the subject will give you credibility. The experience could be you personally or the experience that your team, your department or your company has had with the subject that you will be presenting. If you have no relevant stories, no personal experiences, and if no one in your organisation has any experience with the subject, then it may be time to make a difficult decision: find time to get experienced or walk away from the presentation.
Section 3. Action
If you've read the Speakery Presentation Principles, then you'll know that I'm obsessed with the audience. In the third section, you mind-map all of the things you want the presentation to achieve and what you want the audience to do with the knowledge you're sharing.
Section 4. Impostor
This is your chance to reduce your anxiety, stress and impostor levels during the first 90 seconds of your presentation. In section 4, you write down everything you think you should know about the subject - but know that you don't. Write down all those nagging doubts, gaps in your knowledge, and every drop of ignorance. Then, and this is the important part - decide what is important and what isn’t. If it isn't important, well, get rid of it—and if somebody asks where it is, tell them you decided it wasn't important. If you decide that it is important, do the research and turn a blindspot into something learned.
Free to use.
As with The Speakery Presentation Canvas, the Speakery Presentation Mind Map is free to use (but may not be reproduced for publishing purposes without prior consent, and this user guide is subject to copyright). You can download a png here and use it as a background image in your favourite presentation software.
Please let me know if you need help with it or if you would like me to help you with your mind map or canvas. I'm more than happy to help in exchange for money. You can book a 15-minute complimentary consultation call to discover how I can help you improve your presentations.

Nine Presentation Principles that could save your life
The Speakery Presentation Mind Map is featured in my brand new keynote Presento Mori. You can learn more about Presento Mori, the presentation principles that could save your life and how to book the keynote for your conference or internal event.